Hi! I'm glad you stopped by. I go by many names, my most commonly used one is Frzn. Friends will know what to call me, but if you're ever looking to talk, check if I'm online, and feel free to just go by my screen name. I will not tolerate jerks. So if you're not serious, please don't take away my time from other's.
I will leave it at that.
A little info on me....
I am twenty-one, a capricorn, if that means anything to you, and attending
Schoolcraft College. I took a year off to have fun and get some money, but
will start up in the spring. I own a decent computer which is about a year old now, and I would like very much to upgrade some things. I hop around the internet almost constantly, and, once out of college, plan
on a career in computer programming and possibly web design.
Mostly I am
enjoying my time with my wonderful boyfriend, who, lucky for me, is just
as obsessed with computers. He, however, knows how to build them too.
I managed to talk him into registering for Schoolcraft, which he wasn't so
keen on at first. Bit bored in High School.... but who wasn't?? So
he didn't think college was much better. He did have to concede, though,
that it would be a great help to have a degree for a career in computers.
I also am very happy to say I played a part in his getting his dream car. To
anyone else, maybe it's not much of a dream, but it's his personal equivilant
of owning say, a Corvette or Mustang. A very fast two-door sports car. His is a Mazda RX-7. For any of you who is interested in cars, especially this one, I suggest you hit hispage which I made up for him. I am considering getting one myself, only I would prefer an automatic. He says this is a travesty upon the car, but
would still like to see me drive one too. Haha.
I have a wide variety of interests and hobbies including photography,
playing pool, (and getting a little better every game, thanks seriously to
Eric for his pointers), darts, writing, computers, singing, hanging out with
my friends, building model cars, driving anywhere and everywhere, playing
video games, (Chris and I love going to Game Works when we have the money), working on cars, (yes I know more than how to pump gas, though I am not as knowledgable as Chris),
and the list goes on....
To get personal; I used to be rather shy, which some people mistook for rude because I just didn't talk when I was nervous. My friends decided I should talk more, and now I can't shut up! I'm quick to laugh, and often try to get others to laugh too. I have an endless supply of jokes, most of them dirty. My name tag at one job used to say Giggles, but CVS decided that wasn't professional looking. *Rolling my eyes.* Let's see, my list of jobs run from: Arbor Drugs for nearly two years, Farmer Jacks for six months, Franks Nursery for 3 months, Fashion Bug for a few months, and now I am working at Ford as a help desk analyst. Basically I answer all those questions people run into when using a computer. Anything from "I forgot my password" to "My computer is broken"
If you ask me for a quote, (why you would, I don't know, but play along...) I have a few:
"It's worth it if you're having fun." (...hmm that one sounds like trouble....)
"I think one should know a great number of people, but always have only a few close friends."
"Knowledge is a necessity to survive, and too many aren't learning...."
I would like to drop a hello to some of my faithful and loving friends out there who have been a great support to me...
Eric, nothing would be as it is without you, I believe that with all my heart, we made it through a lot and the friendship is still there. Something that so many would not be able to say of their high school freindships. I'm glad you're in town for a while again, I miss the sarcsam every so often. Heehee. Seriously, you may groan at the length with which I'm carrying on, but truly I hold you dear to my soul. If you will do the same, I will try not to neglect our friendship.
Steve, those long walks around the complex helped me as much as you
with all the talking. Here's to a little therapy, and late night drives.
I could talk all night with you, and you have the most innocent sense of
humor and outlook, which is so refreshing. Good luck with Jen and the baby.
*~^~~^~~^~~^~~^ Haleigh Marie Dudley ^~~^~~^~~^~~^~*
Was born a beautiful baby girl to Steven and Jennifer
On Saturday June 3, 2000 (4:30am) 6lbs 13oz, 20inches.
Here she is with Santa! Haleigh with Santa What a smile!!
To the guys... you all need help!! Get out of the house once in a while, GT and Quake won't dissappear if you shut them down for an evening!! That goes especially for Lorin and Walter. CJ and Chris don't get out much but it's not for lack of wanting. Hahaha. Seriously, you guys rock! Just don't make me watch "Army of Darkness" EVER again.
I hope this gave you a brief look at who I am and how I think. Once
again, I'm glad you stopped by, and please take a look at some of my other
More to come....
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